Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services

Why Do I Need An Ultrasound?

A positive pregnancy test alone does not guarantee you’re pregnant. You need additional information with an ultrasound to medically confirm your pregnancy and receive important details that will guide your decision-making process.

Without an ultrasound, you won’t receive critical health information, know how far along you are, or get all the facts about your unique situation. This scan will provide the details you need to move forward.

What Ultrasounds Tell Us

Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of your reproductive organs and the pregnancy. Depending on how far along you are, the transducer (and wand-like device that emits the sound waves) may be inserted gently into your vagina or applied to your abdomen.

This scan provides essential details about your pregnancy, including:

  • Viability: As many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which may require monitoring or medical treatment. Ultrasound will determine if your pregnancy is progressing.
  • Gestational age: Knowing how far along you are is critical. This detail can determine what options are available to you (for example, medical abortion is FDA-approved only through 10 weeks gestation).
  • Location: Pregnancies should develop in the uterus. However, some women experience an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg implants elsewhere (i.e., in a fallopian tube or the cervix). This condition requires immediate medical treatment to prevent life-threatening complications.

With an ultrasound, you’ll know where you stand and protect your health and safety.

Free Ultrasound Referrals

The Life Center provides free ultrasound referrals if you qualify. Your well-being matters, and this scan will help you make a pregnancy decision with the facts in hand.

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, we’ll discuss your options and answer your questions. No matter your circumstances, you are not alone. You can make a decision in a safe, loving environment without pressure or outside opinions.

To get started, make an appointment today to take a self-administered pregnancy test.

Supportive and Compassionate Services

You have what it takes to get through this.