Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services

Here To Answer Your Questions

Please contact us if you have a question that is not on this page. We are here for you.

Many women experience common pregnancy symptoms like a missed period, nausea, and fatigue. However, these symptoms could indicate other health conditions, hormonal changes, etc.

The best way to get an initial answer is to take a pregnancy test and confirm the result with an ultrasound. We provide self-administered tests and ultrasound referrals.

You deserve information and answers without the added financial stress. That’s why all our services are free.

Please bring a photo ID (like a driver’s license or student ID) to the appointment. No insurance card or payment method is needed.

All our services are entirely confidential, and we do not share any information unless required by law.

The Life Center does not provide or refer for abortions. However, we offer factual information about abortion procedures, risks, and side effects so you can make a thoughtful decision.

Your partner (or any support person) is welcome to attend the appointment. We want you to feel comfortable!

We strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment to be seen at your convenience. However, walk-ins are welcome, and we’ll do our best to see you that day.

Absolutely. We’re here to walk alongside you, too.

The Life Center offers free parenting education, material aid, counseling services, and more. We even have a Dad’s Group so you can get personalized support and find community.

Supportive and Compassionate Services

You have what it takes to get through this.