Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services

Considering Adoption?

With adoption, you give birth and place your child in another family. As the birth mother, you can choose the family and relationship that works best for you.

Women choose adoption for many reasons. Some don’t wish to parent but want to stay connected with their child, while others feel their life circumstances require another option.

Adoption can be an emotionally difficult decision for some women and provide peace of mind for others. You can learn about this option and determine whether it fits your circumstances and desires. We’ll provide the information needed to help you consider this choice.

There are three adoption plans to choose from, and learning about each can help you decide if one aligns with your desires.

Open Adoption

With open adoption, you communicate regularly with the family and establish a relationship with them.

Communication looks different for everyone, but it may include phone calls, letters, and visits. You and the adoptive family can determine what best suits your needs, offering much flexibility.

Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoption allows you to communicate with the adoptive family, but all interactions occur through a third party (like an adoption agency or attorney). Only limited information, such as first names, is shared.

Closed Adoption

A closed adoption, though more uncommon, offers the most privacy. This plan keeps all identifying information confidential, and you do not interact with the adoptive family.

Women might choose this option if they have safety concerns or desire anonymity.

Making Your Pregnancy Decision

There’s much to reflect on with adoption, and it’s important to remember that you alone can make the pregnancy decision. Our support team will provide information about adoption in Pennsylvania, answer your questions, and provide referrals to adoption agencies as needed.

We’re looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your unique situation. Make a free and confidential appointment today.

Supportive and Compassionate Services

You have what it takes to get through this.