Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services

Considering Parenting?

Parenting involves raising your child and providing the emotional, physical, and educational tools they need to succeed. While it can be challenging for many, it can also be rewarding as you learn your child’s interests and watch them grow.

Deciding to parent takes sacrifice, but it can also bring joy. We’ll help you decide whether this opinion is right for you.

Do I Have What It Takes To Be A Parent?

Asking yourself questions about your desire to parent can help you decide. You can consider the following questions to help you get started:

  • Am I interested in this option?
  • Do I have a strong support system (i.e., family and friends) to help me parent?
  • Will the baby’s father be involved?
  • Am I financially, physically, and emotionally able to parent?
  • Can I provide a safe, stable home for a child?
  • What resources would I need to help me succeed?

We’ll help you address these questions at the Life Center. It’s natural to have mixed emotions about this option, especially if you’re unsure where to find the support you need. However, know that you are not alone.

If you’re interested in moving forward with this option, we’ll help you find what you need to succeed.

Parenting Support

We offer various free resources for pregnant and parenting clients, including education and material resources.

Our program offers classes on topics ranging from pregnancy to early childhood. You’ll earn credits for baby supplies, furniture, clothing, and more when you complete classes.

Additionally, we provide licensed counseling services (through the staff at With You Counseling) in several areas and long-term emotional support. You’ll always have people in your corner as you navigate the ups and downs.

You are not alone. This is your decision; you deserve to make one free from judgment or pressure. Schedule a confidential appointment today to learn more about your options.

Supportive and Compassionate Services

You have what it takes to get through this.