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What Are the Different Types of Pregnancy Tests?

Wondering what type of pregnancy test to go about? There are two main types of pregnancy tests: urine tests and blood tests. Keep reading to learn more about the different options available for pregnancy testing and what’s next for you if you receive a positive result.

Different Types of Pregnancy Tests

1. A Urine Pregnancy Test

A urine pregnancy test can be found at your local drugstore. Urine tests can detect hCG levels in your body as early as 10 days after conception (the moment you become pregnant).

After a urine pregnancy test, it is important to schedule a meeting with a medical professional to confirm your results.

2. A Blood Pregnancy Test

Medical professionals can perform a blood pregnancy test and a small blood sample to identify hCG levels.

The Cleveland Clinic shares that these types of pregnancy tests detect the specific amount of hCG present and are marginally more sensitive to the presence of hCG than urine tests.

These tests are more rare and are higher in price.

A blood test may be used to detect ectopic pregnancies, if a woman is carrying multiples, or if undergoing infertility treatments.

The Best Time to Take a Test

The Mayo Clinic recommends taking a pregnancy test at least one day after a missed period to get the most accurate results. This gives your body enough time to produce the right amount of hCG hormone to be accurately detected in a test.

Free Pregnancy Test Appointment

At Life Center, we offer a safe place to confirm your pregnancy details and consider your options in a loving, caring, guilt-free environment. We can help you make an informed decision.

We’re here to meet with you and offer free and confidential support along the way. Schedule a free pregnancy test appointment today.

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