Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services

What Are the Different Types of Pregnancy Tests?

Wondering what type of pregnancy test to go about? There are two main types of pregnancy tests: urine tests and blood tests. Keep reading to learn more about the different options available for pregnancy testing and what’s next for you if you receive a positive result. Different Types of Pregnancy Tests 1. A Urine Pregnancy


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How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion?

Terminating an unplanned pregnancy with an abortion can lead to mental and emotional trauma, with both immediate and long-term effects.  If you’re trying to avoid the negative mental health impacts of abortion, making an adoption plan may be a good option for you.  Placing your child for adoption can be an emotionally difficult decision. However,

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

Every woman’s abortion experience is different because every woman’s situation is unique. If you’ve had an abortion and don’t want to have another, we understand. Abortion can have physical and emotional consequences. Come and talk with us for an options consultation. We can help you find a solution. What Are My Other Options? For some

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Pregnancy can come with lots of emotions, and you could feel a bit out of control right now. You probably have lots of questions and concerns. You are not alone in this journey. If considering abortion, there are serious health risks to consider for both types. Abortion can affect you physically, with potential short-term and

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I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Are you having difficulty figuring out your next steps for an unplanned pregnancy? We know it’s difficult, but you are not alone.  Abortion is not your only option. We’re here to inform you so you can make a confident and informed decision for your future. You Have Two Additional Options Besides abortion, you have two

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

A pregnancy decision will impact your future in a significant way. Feel informed to make a decision by considering the facts. Talk to us today to get clarity about abortion, the risks, and how to confirm your pregnancy to safeguard your health.  You don’t have to figure out this all alone. Talk with us in

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Are you feeling the weight of regret, fear, sadness, or anger after an abortion? Maybe it’s only been a couple of weeks, or perhaps it’s been a couple of years. No matter where you are in your journey after abortion, it’s never too late to begin the emotional healing process.  You are not alone. You

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Supportive and Compassionate Services

You have what it takes to get through this.